Monday, September 17, 2012

The Art of Writing: The Thank You Card

      The next few posts will be continuing on the theme from the previous post "Writing Art." It was left vague because there are different ways to write given the context of the reason why you are writing.

Article of Inspiration: Write a Love letter-by The Art of Manliness

      To begin, a Thank You card should be written whenever there was a favor done for you or when you received any sort of gift, it shows that you really appreciated their action of generosity. Things to include into your Thank You card is, their name, the item or action received, and a small bit describing how you appreciate the item or action they did.

      Another factor to keep in mind is how soon you write the card the better, as it is fresh on your mind and your appreciation it at its greatest. Another item to keep in mind is who is receiving the Thank You card. If it is to a woman, you can have an increased liberty to choose a card to send. You can have the design to be simple, elegant, or flowery. As for a male recipient, it's better to stick with a basic design. Either way though, you show how much you appreciated what the person did for you.
     One nice thing about a Thank You card is that it is rather simple to write as it does not need to be long, but actually should be kept short and to the point. After all, you are simply thanking someone for what they did for you. As said before, have the card hand written, it adds to show that you took some time to think of them. Our next part will be on writing a good journal entry. But that will be another  day, another post, another Guru. Cheerio!

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