Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Art of Writing

Handwritten Letter
      So many of us have lost or forgotten the importance of writing. When we say writing we mean getting out a pen and paper and just sitting down and writing. Whether it be a love letter, a good story, a journal entry, or just a note. Most of us in todays technical age will stick with our computers and smart phones if we want to record something. But there is always this timeless quality to something written on paper. Which is the topic of this weeks Guru Guidance.

      Today we will not be covering any specific style of writing, but covering some of the basics of good writing. As we said earlier you will want pen and paper. You may want something to drink as you could be a little longer than you might realize. You will want to put personality and thought into your writing, even in the most simple writings, the penmanship can tell many things about how you felt when you wrote something. Typing is much faster and neater, so if you want you can write your rough draft on your computer and then write the final draft on paper.

      In another post we will talk about how to write a thank you note, a love letter, a journal entry, and a tad on skills for writing a good story. But for this discussion, we are only talking about writing handwritten notes and the importance of doing so. When someone writes something via computer or some other electronic device, it is hard to portray the personality that was put into the writing. There are some perks to writing electronically, such as neatness, using cool graphics, and overall price is pretty much free. However, with paper and pen, while it still takes some work, the personality comes into view much more easily with a handwritten subject. As for any specifics on technics, that will be another  day, another post, another Guru. Cheerio!

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