Friday, October 12, 2012

Update From the Guru

A thousand pardons from the past few weeks of absence. Things have been busy as college is at midterms, which is when there are many projects going around and all the teachers think that their class(es) are the most important. Anyways, in the next week their may be some photos and a shout out to another project from the creators of The Gentleman Guru. As for the shout out, that will be in a further post.

Sticking to the cause of the post, further on the update we have been getting beyond the basics of web designing, so we are currently working on making an actual web site, not just being here on blogger. When we make our transition, we'll have more options of what to have on the web site, so we are fairly excited about this. However it could be a bit of a wait before you will get to see this.

Our next post will be a continuation on the Art of Writing. Cheerio!

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