A Bit About The Gentleman Guru

How the Thought was Conceptualized

What was it that got us started? Well, to be prefectly honest, it was a class assignment to create a blog, and so the crew that works here on The Gentleman Guru wanted to create a blog that was worth reading, something that was timeless and yet had a fresh feel to it. And with those thoughts in mind The Gentleman Guru was initiated.

The Faces Behind The Gentleman Guru

While The Gentleman Guru is designed, written, and managed by one person, credit must go to whom it is deserved.

The Gentleman Guru

The Gentleman Guru is our "little" icon. Conceptualized by using the stereotypical look of a gentleman, using the monocle, top hat, mustache, cane in one hand and tea cup in the other. These features of the image are to show the "Gentleman" side of things on this site. The aspects of his larger size to add a bit of humor, but also to incorporate the iconic guru, having some "weight" to his wisdom. The color scheme has the orange boarder, one to help it to be identifiable but to also incorporate a modernistic feel to The Gentleman Guru. The White background shows our honesty and desire to be "up front and honest" and try to avoid a language that feel like riddles to most people today. The black presents the professionalism we try to achieve here as well as our boldness to stand out when no one will stand. As for the general look, The Gentleman Guru will stay basically the same, but we are considering an alternate look for our "small" rotund friend.

Rodney Golightly (My dad)

My father has played the biggest part in shaping who I am, the writer of The Gentleman Guru. He has taught me everything that I know of how to be the right kind of man. And I cannot write this blog without giving credit to him.

Michael Golightly (The Gentleman Guru Writer, Designer, etc.)

The man behind the media, hello there everyone. Yes, I am the guy who is in charge of this blog. What got me into this was partly a class assignment, but also a desire to put out something that was worth reading. Finding people who are respectable is hard these days. What spurred the idea was from a comment a co-worker said to me shortly before I was going back to college my sophomore year, he said that I was, "a rare breed." I didn't know what to say but I thanked him for his statement. And that was when I realized that we need to start encouraging each other and "calling out the man" in each other, to be better than what we were.

Go Light Studios

In a recent post, we had informed you that the video may not be approved by those of us here at the Gentleman Guru, we also mentioned that it was not filmed by Go Light Studious. Go Light Studios is a small photography and videography business started by Rodney and Michael Golightly. Further updates to follow on this page.


Canon 7d
Canon 30d

Macintosh Macbook Pro equipped with Aperture 2 for photography and Final Cut Pro for Videography

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