Sunday, September 9, 2012

Tea or Coffee?

     Tea or Coffee? The Guru was going to leave the post such as is, but we encouraged him to go on and tell us which is better. Instead he told us to search for ourselves then gave a hearty "Cheerio!"So we were left there on our own for this weeks post. We did some digging around and asked some folks which was better and which they preferred. Come to find out they each have their own health benefits... depending on the brew.

Coffee Beans & Tea Leaves


     To start off we'll go with coffee. The good things are that, most obvious, it serves as an energy booster and stimulant. Drinking coffee will also prevent liver cirrhosis and decreases the chances of kidney stones. Now the bad side to drinking coffee is that prolonged consumption will stain your teeth and give you bad after breath, not a good way to add to your gentleman look. Consumption will increase headaches, constipation and general indigestion. It can also cause a loss of appetite, so if you need to loss a few pounds, perhaps you will want to try coffee for a while to lessen your appetite. Unfortunately though, coffee can increase chances of heart disease. So, after hearing this we were discouraged to drink coffee, but were quickly informed that de-caffeinated is the way to go. It eliminates the caffeine content, thus eliminates the problems that go with it, making it healthier.

Green Tea
     Now for our discussion on tea. Tea is packed with anti-oxidants, reduces the risk of cancer through presence of polyphenols, rich in vitamins C, D (which is nearly impossible to get enough anyways), and K as well as amino acids. All of those are required for good bodily functions. It has a relaxing and soothing effect on the human body, so if you've had a hard or stressful day of work settle down with a good book (if that's your thing) or snuggle with that special someone, put on some relaxing music and get a good cup of hot tea, and just relax. Also, tea contains compounds which strengthen your teeth. Now the downside of tea is that the high fluoride content will increase your chances of osteoporosis and fractures. Unlike coffee, the over consumption of tea will INCREASE the risk of kidney stones. If you consume tea in large amounts, you could be at risk of liver damage. The best brew of tea is green tea as it helps in fat loss and filled with antioxidants. Tea bags are also better than loose leaves as they can be easily over cooked and loose it's good effects.

     So after looking at both beverages pros and cons, we came to the conclusion that it's a matter of taste, but if you can drink both you'll end in the best of both worlds. We suggest to start the day with a cup of coffee to get things going, then when you return from work, unwind with a cup of tea. Avoid drinking coffee on breaks, but instead take an energy drink. As for specific blends that will be another day, another post, another Guru. Cheerio!

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