Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Art of Writing: The Journal Entry

     Hello again everyone! I'm honestly and pleasantly surprised as to how well this blog is going on it's own. While I'm not able to write every week, just seeing how many visits is encouraging me to keep up on this! The more you gentlemen and ladies get involved here just makes my day! Anyways, to get to business. This next post is the third part of the Art of Writing: The Journal Entry.

     The Journal Entry in many regards is actually the easiest to write as it is the least formal. However it can also be the most challenging as usually you want to make it something that you do daily. But do not let that get you down if you miss a day, just make up for it on the next day. Now you may be asking, "Why should I keep a journal? Isn't that for girls?" Oh, how much we all need this post right now, myself included.

     The reason why you should keep a journal is, most obvious, to chronicle the events of your life. But you can use it for more than that, your journal could be used in a way that you can always carry it with you, and you can write down your thoughts throughout the day. You can also save it for the end of the day and write down everything at once as if giving someone a report of your activities that day. Probably a mixture of the two is best however, as it can bring your journal to life when read not only by yourself but by others. Now you're probably thinking, "People are reading my journal?!" Well no if you don't want them too, but they probably will if/when you pass away. But anyways...

     Now we here at the Gentleman Guru are here to give a few tips on what to look for in a suitable journal book contestant. You will want either something small enough to carry in a pocket to a book about 5''x7''. You can get a spiral bound notebook if you're poor, but you can save up a little and then get a leather bound notebook, which is much more classy. Thankfully they are surprisingly not too expensive and you can get them at most stores. Now if you don't like the selection, you can find a Barns and Noble bookstore and find a good selection there. The last factor to look for is of personal choice, do you want your notebook bound to the cover, or do you want it "disposable?" Now when we say disposable, we don't mean, "That was a horrible journal entry, I must throw it away!" What we do mean is that the banded paper can be slid out of the cover and have a new band placed in, either way the price is about the same.
     As a side note, if you enjoy reading this blog, leave a comment, send an email, share on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google Plus, Pinterest, or where ever you go for your socializing. Feel free to also ask for requests on future articles to write about. The next post will be the dreaded *cough cough* love letter. Actually, we're looking forward to writing this one,and we hope that all of you will be waiting with great anticipation as well! But that will be another day, another post, another Guru. Cheerio!

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