Tuesday, June 11, 2013

It's Been a While

Greetings everyone, it's been a while since our last post. Sorry about that. As of lately things have been very busy between the different jobs I have been working. Anyways, the topic for this post is somewhat of a follow up in the last post, Spending Time with Family. This is specifically on camping. Whether you're a single guy or girl, a group of guys or girls, or even guys and girls, young married couple, or even if you have a family, even if you're up to it when your kids have grown up and moved out, camping produces bonding moments.

Why? Generally there will be an event that at the time might be a tragedy, but after the initial incident, you will probably look back on it and laugh. From personal experience I can say this is true. When I was a small child, we made a trip out to Wyoming. All the way there we were having troubles. Our pop up trailer had a flat going into Wisconsin, and another coming out of Wisconsin. We blew a gasket while in the middle of nowhere South Dakota and a hail storm with winds so strong we thought we were going to be blown off the side of the bluffs. Another camping experience was when we went to Jay Cook up in MN, about a half hour south of Duluth, MN. One night some raccoons were trying to get into the tub of food we had and my mom was already awake trying to get my dad's attention. Right when my dad and I wake from the twilight, we here, "They're getting into the chips!" And my mom loooves potato chips, making it sound like that was the only thing she was concerned about. So when she said that we just started laughing. To this day we still occasionally tease her about that.

If it's just you all by yourself, it can be great too as you can just get away from everyone and every thing and have your own schedule and just relax and be yourself while camping. Or if you're wanting to go with some friends and hang out and rough it for a few days is also great bonding time. Even if you're a young couple it's a great time to continue to know each other and how they tick. If nothing else you can turn it into a learning experience and finding out what you both enjoy or dislike, try something new.

Thankfully with this post I've been able to get my wheels going as to what the next post will be, so hopefully I'll get a consistent posting going for a little while. But that will been another day, another post, another Guru. Cheerio!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Spending Time with Family

     In all the rush of a technology driven society, parents and their children are spending less quality time together. Today, I'll be talking about various things that families can do together. I am not going to go into the flip side of why families are not spending as much (if any) quality time together as that would be more of an article that will take a great deal of time. So, what is the difference between family time and quality family time? Family time would include, but not be limited to all the activities that people would say families have together on a daily basis, such as dinner... and... hm... that's about it these days. Which is why this is being addressed!

     Parents as well as children need to spend time together as it helps the parents to get their minds off of the rush of working all the time. Quality family time should be about once a week as it is consistent yet can still be special. Now for the hard part, finding something that everyone can agree on. For my family that is usually trying to pick a movie to watch. Mom wants a chick flick, Dad wants a war movie, Sister wants a mystery, and Son wants a Science Fiction. So, how do you decide? There are two ways you can do this. One have one member of the family decide each week, or find something everyone can agree on.

     Now this problem (and solution) is not limited to just movies. It can be a game, like Dominos, Uno, Monopoly (if that's your thing) etc. It can be a video game, which is where I do like the Wii. *Plug in for another blog/alias of mine* I do some video game walkthroughs and tend to be very picky nowadays. If it doesn't have a multiplayer I'm more hesitant to get the game. I'm a people person. Now that does not mean I don't like more hard core gaming like Metal Gear Solid, Devil May Cry, Infamous, and so on and so forth, but those can only have one person playing at a time, so those aren't family friendly. When we got our Wii, my mom (who hates technology, things like Minority Report or Enemy of the State are the reasons why she doesn't like them) actually enjoyed playing games. Like Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort, New Super Mario Bros, Olympics, there's a lot to chose from that the family might be more inclined to.

     But back to what I was saying, families need to spend more time together. It doesn't have to be much. Even with the every day life, make the little things count. Just make sure that when you are together that you can focus on each other and remove distractions, that includes cell phones! Well, this has been another day, another post, another Guru. Cheerio!