Thursday, March 6, 2014

Trip Tips

Well, I'm actually kind of surprised that people are still dropping by this blog considering how long I haven't updated any content on it. While in college I spend many of my days sitting at my desk sipping on a freshly brewed cup of tea. To be honest I wasn't really expecting to come back here, but one of my friends reminded me of it and gave me the idea to do something new on this (as well as the other two blogs I run and 3 pages I'm an admin on Facebook).

But while in college, there are many days where I want to make a trip to the mountains. There are many trips that as a young man I want to make both to the east and west coasts. But here are some simple tips to use, but you don't have to follow them as some people prefer to do things certain ways, but some things carry over.

Tip #1: I speak from experience, when traveling to a place that you know you'll be coming back to, don't devote that trip to taking pictures. As an unofficial professional photographer I spend great lengths of time in just one spot taking pictures waiting for the lighting to be juuuust right, making the other members in the group wait for me (thankfully they enjoy books and they bring one or two). Unless there are other photographers then you're all fighting for the right angles to shoot from.

Tip #2: This can vary from person to person, some people like to throw chance to the wind and just see what happens on their trip, while others will chart out every detail for their trip. For me it's sort of in between. Many times I'm revisiting somewhere I've been before and have a habit of going with what I'm familiar with (goes with being an introvert). But every once in a while, you can find some great little gems by taking a chance.

Tip #3: How you travel to your destination is just as much a part of the trip itself (if you've never traveled, once you do you'll understand what I mean). Most trips I've taken have been by car, which I'd say is true of every one. The great part is anything that could go wrong probably will, and that brings you closer with the other people you travel with. Travel by a plane, I've done it a few times and it is a lot of fun, it's not cheep, but you get to where you want to go quickly and seeing everything from so high is just magical, I don't know how else to describe it. Then the last two main modes of transportation are by train and boat, which I've never actually done, but they're certainly on my bucket list for whenever I go to the west coast.

What would you all suggest for a great trip location or tips do you have?

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